46. *Summary of my project from last April*
Great people sometime say something like “Sharing ideas bring good things”. So, I will share my project I am trying from last April. You can understand how I am going.
Project name: hananokoro (It means “When flowers bloom”. This is a spring season word)
Aim Theme: To create a system that disabilities can be actively involved in a society and receive rewards
Current member (4/6/2021): 3 members (An autistic child who is an elementary school student and 2 mental disabilities who are 30s.
Project in this year:
1. Selling products designed by members
<Last year’s Topic >
・Selling the pruducts online
・wholesaling and in-store sale
・One of products were purchased through Instagram
2. Art class
<Last year’s Topic>
・To find and develop talents of kids with disabilities, it is held at a facility for children with disabilities every other month
・It was first held in last October but after that, it was stopped because of COVID
3. Matching skills of members with individuals or companies who need their skills
<Last year’s Topic>
・There was an asking members to draw pictures from an individual who see their goods
4. Product development made of “Tohno-Washi” and selling with members
※ “Tohno-Washi” is a traditional Japanese paper in my city
I would like to prioritise and develop this product development as a main source of income
・Making a network with the Washi atelier and the others from last summer
・This is just on a wayAll of the 4 projects are still not enough to make a profit as much as it can run stably